Noble Quran » English - Yusuf Ali » Books » The Dreamer's Handbook
The Dreamer's Handbook
This book starts by presenting a spiritual understanding of sleep from the Islamic viewpoint, which is followed by guidelines for recommended evening, pre-sleep, night, and morning acts of worship. The conceptual understanding of dreams is laid out next, followed by an analytical study of dreams in the Quran, and of dreams seen by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and by his companions (R). The rest of the book deals with dream interpretation, its correct rules and procedures, drills to help understand these rules, and a large glossary of interpreted dream symbols. This, we hope, fulfills two important goals regarding sleep and dreams: It establishes their understanding upon the strong foundation of the Quran and Sunnah, and it eliminates a great deal of superstition that surrounds them. Indeed, from Allah (SWT) alone we seek help and acceptance.Formation : Muhammad al-Jibaly
Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof
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