Noble Quran » English - Yusuf Ali » Sorah Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run )

English - Yusuf Ali

Sorah Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Verses Number 11
وَالْعَادِيَاتِ ضَبْحًا ( 1 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 1
By the (Steeds) that run, with panting (breath),
فَالْمُورِيَاتِ قَدْحًا ( 2 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 2
And strike sparks of fire,
فَالْمُغِيرَاتِ صُبْحًا ( 3 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 3
And push home the charge in the morning,
فَأَثَرْنَ بِهِ نَقْعًا ( 4 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 4
And raise the dust in clouds the while,
فَوَسَطْنَ بِهِ جَمْعًا ( 5 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 5
And penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) en masse;-
إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لِرَبِّهِ لَكَنُودٌ ( 6 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 6
Truly man is, to his Lord, ungrateful;
وَإِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ ذَٰلِكَ لَشَهِيدٌ ( 7 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 7
And to that (fact) he bears witness (by his deeds);
وَإِنَّهُ لِحُبِّ الْخَيْرِ لَشَدِيدٌ ( 8 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 8
And violent is he in his love of wealth.
أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ( 9 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 9
Does he not know,- when that which is in the graves is scattered abroad
وَحُصِّلَ مَا فِي الصُّدُورِ ( 10 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 10
And that which is (locked up) in (human) breasts is made manifest-
إِنَّ رَبَّهُم بِهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَّخَبِيرٌ ( 11 ) Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run ) - Ayaa 11
That their Lord had been Well-acquainted with them, (even to) that Day?

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