Noble Quran » English - Yusuf Ali » Books » The Call for the Unity of Religions: A False and Dangerous Call

  • The Call for the Unity of Religions: A False and Dangerous Call

    Dr. Saleh As-Saleh said in the beginning of the book, "We hear nowadays a strange call by organized groups involving some Christians, Jews, and “Muslim” intellectuals calling for “wihdatul adyaan”. They claim that these three religions stand for the same belief that there is One God and should unite in their call for the implementation of great moral values. Some of those involved call for the establishment of centers containing churches, synagogues, and masaajid side by side, and printing the Qur’an, the Bible, and the Torah in one binding, etc. In the name of defending Islam against political and media distortions in the West, some organizations are compromising the basics of the Islamic creed through what is called “Bridging the Faiths.” This is a very dangerous call because it mixes the truth with falsehood and thus practically implies the elimination of the truth perfected in the deen of Islam. The Christians and Jews want the Muslims to be like them. That is why they support this deceptive call for “unity”.

    Formation : Dr. Saleh As-Saleh

    From issues : - Understand Islam Website

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    Download :The Call for the Unity of Religions: A False and Dangerous Call

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