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  • The Lofty Virtues of Ibn TaymiyyahBy The Imam, the Hafidh Abu Hafs 'Umar bin 'Ali al-Bazzar. Translated By Abu Sabaayaa. “If I had to swear standing between the corner of the Ka'bah and the spot of Ibrahim, I would swear that I have not laid my two eyes on anyone like him, nor has he seen anyone as knowledgeable as himself.” - al-Hafidh adh-Dhahabi

    Formation : Omer Bin Ali Al-Bazzar

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    Download :The Lofty Virtues of Ibn Taymiyyah

  • At-Tadhkirah (The Reminder)An Authentic Selection from Imam Al-Qurtubi's At-Tadhkirah Fiahwalil-Mawta Wal-Akhirah. Death is not the absolute end. It is just the discontinuation of unity between the body and soul. It is a change from one state to another and a transition from this present life to that of the hereafter.

    Formation : Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al-Qurtubi

    Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof

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  • ZakaahA brief but nice booklet discussing Zakaah, those items and amounts upon which it is due, and where it is to be spent. Includes a few important fataawa related to Zakaah

    Formation : Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz

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    Download :ZakaahZakaah

  • Warning Against the Fitnah of TakfeerThis book is an amended transcript of one of the many, many sittings with the illustrious Shaykh, where he was asked about the issue of Takfeer. The sitting took place in Jordan. The transcript was amended by the Shaykh to make it suitable for print.

    Formation : Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee

    Translators : Abbas Abu Yahya

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    Download :Warning Against the Fitnah of TakfeerWarning Against the Fitnah of Takfeer

  • Evolution of FiqhThe author says in the introduction of the second edition, “The overall purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with the historical factors behind the formulation of Islamic law (Fiqh), in order that he or she may better understand how and why the various schools of Islamic law (Madh-habs) came about. It is hoped that this understanding will in turn, provide a basis for overcoming the petty differences and divisions which occur when present-day followers of different schools of people without definite schools try to work together. Thus, another aim of this book is to provide a theoretical framework for the reunification of the Madhhabs and an ideological basis for Islamic community work free from the divisive effects of Madh-hab factionalism.” The book consists of six chapters: foundation, establishment, building, flowing, consolidation, and stagnation and decline.

    Formation : Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

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    Download :Evolution of Fiqh

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