English - Sahih International - Sorah Ash-Shams ( The Sun )

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English - Sahih International

Sorah Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Verses Number 15
وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا ( 1 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 1
By the sun and its brightness
وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلَاهَا ( 2 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 2
And [by] the moon when it follows it
وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا جَلَّاهَا ( 3 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 3
And [by] the day when it displays it
وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَاهَا ( 4 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 4
And [by] the night when it covers it
وَالسَّمَاءِ وَمَا بَنَاهَا ( 5 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 5
And [by] the sky and He who constructed it
وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا طَحَاهَا ( 6 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 6
And [by] the earth and He who spread it
وَنَفْسٍ وَمَا سَوَّاهَا ( 7 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 7
And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it
فَأَلْهَمَهَا فُجُورَهَا وَتَقْوَاهَا ( 8 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 8
And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness,
قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن زَكَّاهَا ( 9 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 9
He has succeeded who purifies it,
وَقَدْ خَابَ مَن دَسَّاهَا ( 10 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 10
And he has failed who instills it [with corruption].
كَذَّبَتْ ثَمُودُ بِطَغْوَاهَا ( 11 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 11
Thamud denied [their prophet] by reason of their transgression,
إِذِ انبَعَثَ أَشْقَاهَا ( 12 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 12
When the most wretched of them was sent forth.
فَقَالَ لَهُمْ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ نَاقَةَ اللَّهِ وَسُقْيَاهَا ( 13 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 13
And the messenger of Allah [Salih] said to them, "[Do not harm] the she-camel of Allah or [prevent her from] her drink."
فَكَذَّبُوهُ فَعَقَرُوهَا فَدَمْدَمَ عَلَيْهِمْ رَبُّهُم بِذَنبِهِمْ فَسَوَّاهَا ( 14 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 14
But they denied him and hamstrung her. So their Lord brought down upon them destruction for their sin and made it equal [upon all of them].
وَلَا يَخَافُ عُقْبَاهَا ( 15 ) Ash-Shams ( The Sun ) - Ayaa 15
And He does not fear the consequence thereof.

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