Noble Quran » English - Sahih International » Books » The general prescription of belief in the Quran and Sunnah

  • The general prescription of belief in the Quran and Sunnah

    Allah Almighty ordered all his servants to enter Islam and adhering to it and warned them of disobeying him. Also he sent His messenger to call to this. Allah told us that the one who follows him is the rightly guided and the one who turns away from his call goes astray. He warned us in many ayahs of apostasy, polytheism and disbelief.

    Formation : Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq

    Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof

    Translators : Mahmoud Reda Morad Abu Romaisah

    From issues : Cooperative Office for Propagation, Guidance, and Warning of Expatriates in the city of Bade'ah - A website Islamic Library

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