Noble Quran » English - Transliteration » Books » Journey Of A Lifetime
Journey Of A Lifetime
This booklet explains the basic rights of Hajj. It also notes that the tawheed of Allah requires the Muslim to follow the perfect way of worship, demonstrated by Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and as understood by the Sahaabah who were the best of mankind.From issues : - Al-Jumuah Magazine Website
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- Humility in PrayerIbn Rajab al-Hanbali This is a treatise we have written concerning humility (Khushu') and the hearts meekness and breaking (inkisar) before the Lord. The basic meaning of Khushu', is the softness of the heart, its being gentle, still, submissive, broken, and yearning. When the heart is humble, so too is the hearing, seeing, heard, and face; indeed all the limbs and their actions are humbled, even speech. The source of the Khushu, that takes place in the heart is the gnosis of Allah's greatness, magnificence, and perfection.
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- Understand the Qur'an For Elementary School ChildrenBegin to learn and understand the Qur’an – the easy way! Understand Salah and improve your relationship with Allah; Learn basic Arabic grammar using a new powerful method of TPI; and Through these learn 125 words that occur in the Qur’an 40,000 times!
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Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof
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