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Course in Aqeedah
A very useful article shows the pure Islamic belief of monotheism. It briefly mentions that Allah alone is worthy of worship, He is worshipped directly and Allah is not like his creation nor his creation is like him.Formation : Abdur-Rahman Demashqeyyah
Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof
From issues : An Islamic centre of Qatar
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From issues : A Dawah website Wathakker
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- Knowledge Mandates ActionIqtidaa-ul-‘Ilm al-‘Amal By Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee. This is the second book in the "Classical Knowledge Series", which is a collection of selected scholarly works from the past that deal with the subject of religious knowledge. The first book in this blessed series was “The Book of Knowledge” written by Imaam Abu Khaithamah Zuhayr bin Harb An-Nasaa’ee (Died 234H), may Allah have mercy on him. Since that book served as an introduction to knowledge, its virtues, merits and manners, it seemed proper that the second book be dedicated to the next level of knowledge, which is its result and outcome, and that is righteous deeds. And what better work to present on this subject than the classic and well-known treatise of the distinguished Imaam, Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee, 'Iqtidaa-ul-‘Ilm al-‘Amal' (Knowledge Mandates Action).
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- The Day of Resurrection (Tafseer Surah an-Nabaa)Belief in the Day of Resurrection gives meaning and purpose to our brief stay in this transient world. It is the believer's goal to win the Pleasure of His Lord by worshiping Him alone, fulfilling His Commands and refraining from His Prohibition during his worldly life-span. On the Day of Judgment, his fate will be decided in accordance with his record of deeds; he who fulfills his obligations will be rewarded with eternal bliss in Paradise, and he, who fails to be a believer, will be doomed to eternal Hell-Fire.
Formation : Shuwana Abdul-Azeez
Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof
From issues : A website Quran and Sunnah :
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