Noble Quran » English - Yusuf Ali » Books » A Program of Studies for New Muslims

  • A Program of Studies for New Muslims

    To act correctly, a Muslim must first acquire authentic knowledge, change his mode of thought and improve his practical ability. These changes must result from the Muslims' own decisions and efforts if they are to be educationally enduring, religiously sound, socially important and physically permanent. It is with this aim and intention that the Islamic Teaching Center has prepared "A Program of Studies for New Muslims" It is an attempt to enable the New Muslim to respond to his environment in North America equipped with an Islamic framework reflecting his beliefs, values, attitudes and behavior which characterize him as a new breed of men enjoining right, eradicating evil, forbidding wrong and believing in Allah.

    Formation : Mohammed Moin Uddin Siddique

    Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof

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    Download :A Program of Studies for New Muslims

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    Source :

    Download :Ruling of Peace Treaties with the Jews