Noble Quran » English - Yusuf Ali » Books » The Clear Quranic Exegesis

  • The Clear Quranic Exegesis

    This book of Tafsir was written according to the approach I mentioned. I wanted to make it easy for the ordinary reader to give the meaning and the concept for each Ayah separately and that is called the analytic method. In which a reader can understand the meaning of the Ayahs and their significance without giving details or being concise with special care for the word, structures and style to promote the language and the culture of the reader. I have concentrated on the expressional side which establishes the meaning and reaches to the heart and mind. In order to achieve this, I used the proper educational and preaching style. This book is also for non-Muslims who want to know the significance of Islam as well as those who want to embrace Islam whether they know Arabic by nature or this book has been translated to him.

    Formation : Mohammed Khair Ramadan Yosuf

    Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof

    From issues : - Al Alukah Website

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    Download :The Clear Quranic ExegesisThe Clear Quranic Exegesis

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