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  • Choose Your PathChoose Your Path: This book divided into five chapters; as follows: Chapter I: Where Am I Come from? Proof God is One and only. Chapter II: Proving Prophet Muhammad's Prophethood Chapter III: Some Characteristics of Islam Chapter IV: The Result According to Belief or Disbelief Chapter V: What Is Next? Concluded this book with an answer.

    Formation : Ayman Bin Baha Uddin Al-Siraj

    Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof

    Source : http://www.islamhouse.com/p/353544

    Download :Choose Your Path

  • Ways to instigate the Love of AllahHow we can be loved by Allah

    From issues : Daar Al-Watan

    Source : http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1315

    Download :Ways to instigate the Love of Allah

  • The Book Of ImaanThe source of all evil is the deviation from the truth and its straight path. The goodness of all matters is the following of truth and adherence to its right way. Truth is the fixed state in which Allah has created every creature in a particular way and managed its affair in a certain manner. Allah is Perfect and exempt from any deficiency or error. This book aims to elucidate the pillars of Imaan (basis of belief, faith) and the characteristics of Kufr (disbelief) and its causes.

    Formation : Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah

    Source : http://www.islamhouse.com/p/193208

    Download :The Book Of Imaan

  • The authorship of the Qur’anAn article to refute the allegations of those who say that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him authored the Quran. Refuting the allegations of those who say that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him learned the Quran from a person. Refuting the allegations of those who say that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him learned the Quran from the Satan.

    From issues : A website Islam Religion www.islamreligion.com

    Source : http://www.islamhouse.com/p/190110

    Download :The authorship of the Qur’anThe authorship of the Qur’an

  • Foundation of the SunnahThis is the second treatise in the collection The Beliefs of the Pious Predecessors and the People of Hadeeth. The Author present it to the respected readers after Allah has ennobled him by making him concerned with it and by checking and verifying the ahaadeeth mentioned therein, (all) by the bounty of Allah, the Exalted

    Formation : Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal

    Source : http://www.islamhouse.com/p/51792

    Download :Foundation of the Sunnah