Noble Quran » English - Transliteration » Books » Say as universe says Laa ilaaha illa Allaah

  • Say as universe says Laa ilaaha illa Allaah

    Introduction to history of polytheism and monotheism: Allah (glory be to him) created all people as Muslims and monotheists but devils came to them and changed and distorted their religion. Allah said in a qudsi hadith, “I created all my slaves as haneefs (monotheists), but the devils came to them, made them deviate from their religion, forbade them that which I had permitted to them, and commanded them to join partners with me for which I has given no authority.” As soon as people commit a type of polytheism, Allah sends his prophets to call them to the suitable type of monotheism.

    Formation : Ameen Al-Ansaari

    From issues : A website Knowing Allah :

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