Noble Quran » English - Transliteration » Books » Fundamental Shi'ite Beliefs

  • Fundamental Shi'ite Beliefs

    An important book shows the corrupt belief of Shi’ites. The author said in the introduction, “I wrote this book for a number of reasons including: (1) The increased efforts of the Shi’ites to spread their ideology in the Muslim world. (2) The danger of this deviant sect poses on Islam. (3) The ignorance of many Muslims about the danger of this deviant sect. (4) The corrupt Aqeedah (belief system) of the Shi’ites, which includes polytheism, defamation of the Quran and defamation of the Companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them all. (5) Their extreme beliefs in relation to their imams."

    Formation : Abdullah ibn Muhammad As-Salafi

    Translators : Abdur-Rahman Murad

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