Noble Quran » English - Transliteration » Books » A Mercy to a Universe

  • A Mercy to a Universe

    A great book about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which shows how his mercy embraces all beings: humans and jinns, believers and disbelievers, friends and enemies, women and girls, orphans, children, weak people, widows, poor people, students of knowledge, prisoners, the sick and animals. Before that, it mentions his lineage, worship, physical description and morals such as: justice, bravery, generosity, humbleness, gentleness, softness, patience and wisdom. It also illustrates how he encourages others to develop their good manners. It also mentions his miracles and the just and honest Jewish and Christian scholars who acknowledge the truthfulness of the Prophet’s message. Finally it mentions his death and his rights over the people of his nation.

    Formation : Saeed Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani

    Translators : Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq

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