Noble Quran » English - Sahih International » Books » Muslim Christian Dialogue

  • Muslim Christian Dialogue

    Anyone interested in comparative religion will find in this book many surprises that challenge what many once believed to the absolute truths, This book has been written as the result of dialogues I had with Christian clergy as well as laity. The discussions were polite, pleasant, friendly, and constructive without the slightest intention of hurting the religious feeling of any Christian. It is provocative, and a challenge to Christianity. It is indispensable for those looking for the truth and those studying Comparative Religion.

    Formation : Hasan Mohammed Ba Aqeel

    Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof

    From issues : Books of the office of propagation in Ulayya, Sulaymaniyah and north of Riyadh

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    Download :Muslim Christian Dialogue

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