Noble Quran » English - Transliteration » Books » WHY DO WE PRAY?
Why does Man need to Pray?. After a long and hectic day at work, how difficult it is for a tired person to stand on the prayer-mat and concentrate on his prayers to Allah Almighty. Snuggled in a warm and cozy bed, how difficult it is to get up at the call of Mu’adhdhin: “Come to prayer, come to success.” The famous doctor and philosopher Ibn Sina (Avicenna), recalls such a moment in his life. Once cold and icy night, he and his slave were resting in an inn in a remote part of Khurasan. During the night he felt thirsty and shouted out to his slave to get him some water. The salve had no desire to leave his warm bed, so he pretended not to hear Avicenna’s call. But finally after repeated calls he reluctantly got up and went to fetch the water. A little while later, the melodious sound of the Adhan filled the air. Avicenna began to think about the person calling the believers to prayer.Formation : Suhaib Hasan AbdulGhaffar
Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof
From issues : - Darussalam Publications Website
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