Noble Quran » English - Transliteration » Books » Farewell Advice of The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

  • Farewell Advice of The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

    In recent times, many sincere Muslims have looked to ascertain the situation of our Nation, and what they see were the effects of the Devil (Shaytan), the blackness of wicked deeds, and the blood of many wounds. They saw discord, disagreement, disunity, confusion, and anxiety. They perceived the evil results of not ruling according to Allah's Book - in the home, the streets, or the marketplace. They saw these results in schools, universities, books, newspapers, and the media; in fact, they even witnessed them in the best places, mosques, where innovations now flourish. And they have also seen the effects of that evil among the ranks of callers to Islam and students of knowledge.

    Formation : Hussain Al-Weshi

    Reveiwers : Muhammad AbdulRaoof

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    Download :Farewell Advice of The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)

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